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Die Verbindung von aufklärerischer Vernunft und Wissenschaft

After Euclid (2006) Jesse Norman

Umschlag After Euclid

Im Geiste des Neukantianismus verfasstes Werk, welches Funktion und Bedeutung des visuellen Denkens in der Geometrie aufweist.

What does it mean to have visual intuition? Can we gain geometrical knowledge by using visual reasoning? And if we can, is it because we have a faculty of intuition? In After Euclid, Jesse Norman reexamines the ancient and long-disregarded concept of visual reasoning and reasserts its potential as a formidable tool in our ability to grasp various kinds of geometrical knowledge. The first detailed philosophical case study of its kind, this text is essential reading for scholars in the fields of mathematics and philosophy. Center for the Study of Language and Information.